Exports of frozen fruits from Kyrgyzstan grow by 8 times

As per the National Statistics Committee, from between January and October of 2024 Kyrgyzstan exports 1,552.4 tonnes of frozen fruits valued at $2,827.600. The increase is 8.1 times when compared with the same time frame in 2023, when the country exports only 190.7 tons of frozen fruits valued at $273,500.

Russia remains the most important export market, and with 1,211.5 tons worth of $2,250,900 delivered in the time. This is the 9.6-fold rise compared to identical period of 2023 where exports amounted to only 126.3 tons worth $147,600.

Other destinations of note include:

  • Uzbekistan exported 200 tons of grain that were worth $289,200 (compared only 0.1 tonnes by 2023).
  • Kazakhstan has imported 120.9 tonnes worth of $257,300. This is an increase from 64.3 tonnes in 2023.
  • A small amount of frozen fruit from Kyrgyzstan shipped to Poland in the amount of 20 tonnes worth of which was valued at $33,300. There were also none exports made to Poland in the same time frame in the previous year.

Source: www.tazabek.kg