Pakistan blocks entry to 300 Afghan trucks that carry fruits and other vegetables

It is reported that the Embassy of Afghanistan in Islamabad reports that Pakistan is preventing the entrance to 300 Afghan trucks loaded with fruit and other vegetables. This was the result of discussions towards settling trade disputes among the Afghanistan Embassy delegation as well as representatives of the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the director of trade and foreign affairs, Maria Kazi.

The vehicles, loaded with food products are being held at the border crossings of key points, including Torkham, Spin Boldak, and Chaman because of documentation problems in The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP). In addition, the Afghanistan Embassy has expressed concern about the imposition of extra taxes on these exports that they fear could negatively the Afghan producers as well as the Pakistani market in general.

As a response to these difficulties The Embassy is urging that the government issue short-term permits that will facilitate the flow of goods and services in Pakistan. This issue highlights the lingering obstacles to trade facilitation among Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the bigger implications for regional commerce as well as diplomacy.
