Young, independent young couples with no children consume the smallest amount of fresh fruits

Families with independent young adults and young couples who do not have children consumed the least amount of fresh fruits in 2023 (with the proportion of 2% and 3.8 percent of the total consumption, in each case) when compared with the percentage of people they comprise. However, retirees as well as adult couples who do not have children consumed the highest amount of fruit and accounted for 33.5 percent and 16 percentage of the total amount consumed in Spain in the year before.

Based on the report for 2023 Food Consumption Report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food The fresh fruits consumption for 2023 was at 78.5 kilograms per person in a year. i.e. 2.7 percentage less than the year before. Families made up of young independent individuals have only eaten 2.08 percentage of the 3.672 million pounds of fruit householders in the United States purchased however they make up 5.6 percent of the total populace. The third group who consumes the smallest amount of fruit are families with no children. While they make up 7.4 percent of the population, they consumed 3.8 percent of the total consumed by 2023.

The households of retirees and adult couples who do not have children, or families with children who are older were the ones who consumed the highest amount of fresh fruit by 2023. All three instances the share of consumption is higher than what percentage of the people they are representing. Families of retirees account for 33.5 percentage of consumption, families of adults with no children at 16%, as well as households with younger children (13 percent.

In the households where the individual in charge of purchasing is over 50 are the ones that buy the largest amount of fresh fruits. They account for 39.4 percent of the total amount that is purchased, far exceeding the size of the people they serve (29 percentage).

The household in which the individual who is responsible for purchasing purchases is older than 50 are the ones with the highest consumption per person of fresh fruits, specifically those in which the person who is responsible is older than 65 which averages 146.86 kilograms for each person in a year. In contrast, households in which the individual responsible for purchases is younger than 35, have only 34.53 kilograms of fruits each year per person which is well under the 78.51 kilograms of national average.

The many data of the 2023 Spain Food Consumption Report analysed by FEPEX reveal a broader demographic consumption pattern that leads us to ask: Is the household’s consumption of fresh fruit is still a primarily older, adult matter?
