The event has attracted more than 1,000 participants from all over the globe

The World Potato Congress, a prominent networking organisation to promote the world’s industry of potatoes, held its 12th annual global gathering on the outskirts of Adelaide, Australia, June 23-26. The event drew more than 1,000 participants from all over the globe.

The goal of the World Potato Congress, a non-profit organisation that is supported by an group consisting of director volunteers representing different potato regions around the world. Their goal will be to build networks to assist in the growth sustainable in the world of potatoes.

The topic “Old World Meets the New” in 2024 highlighted the “rich history of potatoes as food items as well as the latest innovations and technological advances used in their production as well as substantial investments into the field of research and development.” This event focused on global trends in the areas of sustainability, climate change cultural, population changes.

Potatoes USA Chairwoman, Shelley Olsen the Director of Operations Blair Richardson and Executive Administrator Chelsea Gray attended the three-day event to discuss the efforts that is being undertaken to increase the demand for potatoes by research and marketing in the United States. Richardson delivered an update on the significance of focusing education-based marketing strategies aimed at Gen Z to an engaged crowd, while the Chairwoman Shelley Olsen and Executive Administrator Chelsea Gray fielded questions throughout the day from attendees interested in finding out the more details about Team Potato and all current initiatives being undertaken to link to food service providers customers, retailers, and nutritionists.

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