Minister McConalogue announces EUR3.1 million investment assistance scheme to Irish chipping and seed sector of the potato

Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, made an announcement announcing the opening for the year 2023 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato and Chipping Potato Sector. Apart from providing aid to the sector of seed potatoes The scheme was extended in 2023 to encompass producers of Irish chipping potatoes.

The 2023 Scheme of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato and Chipping Potato Sector is designed to aid in the expansion of capacity within the Irish chipping and chipping potato fields and can aid in improving the manufacturing, storage and marketing infrastructures of seeds and chipping potato by offering aid to producers to cover the costs of investing in specific equipment and infrastructure. The scheme, which will cost EUR3.1 million by 2023, is supported by funding from Ireland’s allocation of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Fund (BAR).

Minister McConalogue declared: “I am delighted to reveal the start of this exciting EUR3.1 million plan. I’m a staunch advocate of the seed potato as well as chipping potato industries. I would like to see the industry expand and prosper in the future. The potato industry is royalty, and I’d like to ensure that there will be a strong and vibrant sector for the next few years.”

“The scheme was developed in the light of the difficulties that the Irish potato industry following the decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Expanding the scheme to encompass Irish chipping potato producers can help secure and ensure the future of the potato industry as well as demonstrates my continued commitment to the growth of this vital sector. This scheme will help those growers with specialized skills to increase their capacity as well as ensure that there is a new attention to the model of local supply.”

Concerning seeds potatoes, around 4,000 t of potatoes that were previously provided to Great Britain, as of 1 January 2021 can cannot be imported to Ireland. Furthermore, Ireland imports approximately 64,000 tonnes of potatoes from the UK. A majority of these imports are utilized by chip shop proprietors.

Senator Pippa Hackett who is Minister of State of the land Use and Biodiversity with special the responsibility of horticulture declaring her appreciation for the announcement: “The Horticulture sector is vital to our agricultural industry, and I’m delighted to see that the 2023 Plan of Investment Aid for the Seed Potato and Chipping Potato Sector will aid in expanding the Irish chipping and seed potato industries. The funds provided through this scheme will be very beneficial for those who grow of the chipping and seed potato industries and will help to build their capacities in ensuring the availability of Irish potatoes, as well as displacements of imported potatoes.”

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