White onions are priced higher in Maharashtra

In some regions of Maharashtra caused damage to the crops of white onions and have led to an increase in the cost of this product on the market. The market is overflowing with potatoes and red onions but the white onions are now appearing at Vashi, the APMC market in Vashi which is priced between Rs 10-12 than last year’s.

White onions can be found only in certain areas including Alibag, Vasai, Nagpur, Nashik, and other locations in the state. But the bulk of the cultivation of white onions occurs in Gujarat and Gujarat, which leads to a greater consumption from the state.

This year’s unpredictable rains have resulted in delays to the harvesting of white onions which has led to a slow entrance into the market. Although regular potato and onion crop is already in the market however, it could take up to two weeks before white onions arrive at full speed the traders claim.

[ Rs100 = EUR1.20 ]

Source: newsband.in