Thai durian exporter has already stopped 100 containers prior to mid-April the harvest began.

Over the course of nearly 25 years, Chris has gained expertise in the fields of agriculture and food, Chris recently joined Changtoon Trading Co., Ltd. as its CEO as well as export sales director. This company is focused on producing exporting various exotic fruit which include durian as well as mangosteen and longan. Chris’s firm operates an orchard to produce durian and mangosteen. It also collaborates with other growers in the region to satisfy the demands for these fruits.

Durian Inspection and harvesting

The company is committed to the relationships between packers, growers as well as exporters. It works with them in order to assure that the best quality produce is available. At present, Chris’s business receives requests in China to purchase 100 container, and twenty containers in Hong Kong for its fresh durian exports. The company is expecting to receive even larger orders to be placed before the middle of April.

The official harvest season for Monthong durian The most popular variety, begins on the 15th of April within Thailand’s East region of Thailand. The 15th of April marks the beginning of the seasonthat is from April until June. Chris is excited for this season since it’s the fourth year of exporting durian and they’re anticipating higher volumes of orders than previously “We concentrate in providing top-quality fruit to our customers. This is crucial considering this year the Thai durian market is facing competition from Vietnam as well as Laos. The team at our disposal will strive to make sure that the durian is of the highest standard in the highest quality”. The main durian varieties are Monthong, Kradumthong and Chanee.

Chris has shared her own experience working on durian: “Despite the changing conditions, durian production has become more lucrative for farmers, which has increased the size of their harvest. But, the change in conditions have also resulted in lower production per tree because of heavy rainfall and unstable weather pattern. Recently, isolated storms have damaged the fruit orchards as well as to growing trees.”

The author continues to say that over the last few time, Chinese consumers have created an enormous marketplace in durian: “Thai exporters have heavily promoted the durian fruit to satisfy the increasing consumer demand.”

In April, the middle is the beginning of the durian season in Eastern Thailand. Chris’s firm is waiting on consumer payments to put containers that are in the orchards as well as many Chinese customers visit packing houses as well as durian orchards in these days. In general, there’s a lots of excitement about the coming season, and Chris’s business is set to supply top quality produce to customers.

More information is available here:

Miss Nattharinee Ruecha (Chris)

Changtoon Trading Co., Ltd.

+66 86 844 8608