Chinese potatoes have been spotted on trading platforms of Primorsky Krai.

The shipment of Chinese potatoes to Primorsky Krai was restarted. From March 20 through April 26, initial group of Chinese potatoes that weighed 87.4 tons was delivered in according to the Primorsky Interregional Department of Rosselkhoznadzor announced.

The phytosanitary control stations “Pogranichny” as well as “Poltavka” and the Rosselkhoznadzor department monitored the arrival of 1,291.4 tonnes of tomatoes (the tomato import increased nearly 1.5 many times).

The amount of imported peppers has increased. 454.1 tonnes were imported. Onions and garlic were able to receive 380.2 tons, while legumes received 1.3 tons and sweet potato received 3.6 tons of the product.

The week also saw an increase in the last week of the imports of cucumbers, 519 tons corn 3.395 tons and cabbage 790.8 tons and carrots 457.7 tons, eggplants squash, zucchini, pumpkins beets, radishes the yams and ginger 370.4 tons. Then there were mushrooms 64,4 tons. There was also different greens, salads, and other vegetables 164.9 tons.

The last week Primorsky Krai received 1,039.6 tons of various berries and fruits.
