“Stocks are currently 20% lower than the year before”

March was a good month for Polish apple, according to Jan Nowakowski, manager for Polish distributor of apples, Genesis Fresh: “The sales of the apples during March reached their peak when compared with February and other months. At the beginning of the month, it was extremely positive and this felt remained throughout the time. The inventory of Red Jonaprince is the biggest in Poland this year due to the low interest in this particular variety this year. The demand for Idared is very high, and its stock remains steady, however it is currently 20% less in comparison to last year’s. Third with the highest volume is Golden Delicious However, its market is extremely high during this time and the stocks are now 12% lower when compared with last year.”

The price of apples has seen a steady increase in the last few days. This is because of the stock in Poland falling in the days that season’s close draws closer. “From April onwards, we’ve seen an increase in the prices. Following the Easter holiday We’ve seen another increase in prices. Demand for Polish apples comes from all over the European continent. A lot of nations are in the process of running out stocks and are unable to meet the needs of stores. This will continue through the season, and I’m assuming there will be a shortage of apples before the season draws to an end.”

It was expected to be a huge success of Red Jonaprince this season. The variety, however, was unable to live up to these expectations. because of a variety of reasons. Nowakowski says: “Red Jonaprince has not been very popular in this particular season. The growing conditions were challenging and an early harvest. This is why the fruit isn’t doing particularly well in long shipping times. Numerous importers were hoping to offer this year’s Red Prince this season. There is a chance to choose the fruit that is well-conditioned and then distribute it. However, the majority of these quantities will remain in the European market.”

In the coming season it could result in an apple shortage generally. “We experienced a warm winter, but not a particularly strong and cold time of cold temperatures. A short period of ice and snow has been observed this year. Global warming is taking place across Europe and it’s not the case that we have severe winters any more. We’re waiting to see the weather during May to find out whether we’ll see frost in the spring. There will be a shortage of apples overall. Distributors who supply the supermarkets have secured enough volume enough to meet the demands of sales. The stock is also being kept so that we don’t risk not having enough apples” Nowakowski concludes.

More information is available here:

Jan Nowakowski

Genesis Fresh

Tel: +48223783405

Email: info@genesisfresh.com