Malaysia: Hari Raya maximum price that includes red chillies, tomatoes round cabbage and more

The Festive Season Maximum Price Control Scheme (SHMMP) to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri which includes 30 products will be in place over 16 days starting on the 15th of April until April the 30th.

Some of the things that are subject to control under SHMMP 2023 include tomatoes, red chillies round imported cabbage, long beans mustard greens, cucumbers, imports of old ginger, yellow onion, red onion Chinese garlic Indian onions, the import of chillies that have dried, potatoes coconuts, peanuts, as well as grated coconut.

The items on the list and the price limit as well as the SHMMP duration of implementation were formulated by a variety of factors including weather as well as the economy globally, the exchange rate of foreign currencies wages, rates of pay, as well as the supply and demand.
