“We are looking to provide a genuine organic vegan product this is the reason we never make use of animal manure”

The Bioland Krautergut Dworschak-Fleischmann offers some 240 different organic-vegan herb varieties. “I don’t consider myself a vegan however I’d like to present the best organic and vegan products and that’s why we never employ animal fertilizers.” Director of Operations Tanja Dworschak shares with us. The only herbs that are fertilized with horn shavings, such as the lavender and curry remain fertilized by shavings of horn.

Her main crops at the herb business includes parsley, basil and chives. These are the three varieties that the company provides all year round. “The the chives my father grows to us outside. Then, in the autumn, they’re stored in the freezer, then frozen, and then thawed according to the need.”

6.5 million plants in pots a year

“Some of our herbaceous plants are grown on a 5,600 square meter in the former farm and of that, approximately 800 m2 is two-to-six-story which includes a germination space. We also are home to a 14,000 square m Cold storage area. In the year 2010, our plant began a pilot program that involved double-storey production. Then, in 2015, we built an area of 7,200 square metres on two levels. It has an area of 13,000 square meters for production. Our plant is capable of producing 6.5 million potted herb.

Organic herbs from 1994

Since 1994, the company that produced herb was able to shift its production into organic. “At the time, aside the shavings of horn it was not possible to find any another organic fertilizer. In addition, there was a lack of pesticides or microorganisms. Therefore, it was difficult for organic farmers to make the switch.” At the beginning, Dworschak had to continue selling the organic herb as traditional products. Then, in 1995 it was the year that an EU organic seal, also known as BCS certification was introduced, as was Bioland followed by Naturland in 1996.

In order to expand its range, Dworschak offers strawberry, blackberry and raspberry plants during the spring. “Adapting our product lines to Bioland guidelines requires considering the health of both nature and people. It is also important to note that 20% of our staff are individuals disabled and 20 percent are “hard-to-find” individuals,” Dworschak says.

Ice plant jiaogulan, Jamaica thyme and many more

The product is sold mainly towards (organic) specialty stores such as discounters, traditional food stores and retail stores. “For farms and markets looking for special herbs, we offer the ice plant, Jiaogulan, Jamaica thyme and more. We strive to provide specific products for retailers to allow the retailer to broaden their selection and ensure that the customer will find unique herbs which aren’t readily available in low-cost stores.” Krautergut distributes its products across Germany, Austria and Switzerland The majority of the products are of its products being sold in the region, or throughout southern Germany.

Costs of production increase

“Electricity costs have quadrupled for the people of our area. The cost of gasoline has been increasing by a number of times for the two areas of our operation, but for at least one aspect of the company, the cost for gas was the same as last year.” The producer of herb also has knowledge of other farms engaged in production of pots, that have been shut down in winter due to the expense of fuel, she explained. Additionally, additional expenses arise due to the increase in minimum wages, in particular since organic agriculture has about 20 percent higher expenses than conventional production. “Now since you do not have to deal with a great deal of heating, the production has begun to increase at this farm.”

grow2Show: City kids come together to learn about agriculture

“We created the brand grow2show in the last few years. Through it, we hope give city children the chance acquainted with vegetable farming. The range of products includes wild strawberry to Mexican mini cucumbers and related Lilliputian products, children can take a bite of their vegetable garden on the window sill in their homes. Particularly during the time of the pandemic it was a huge hit. It’s crucial to spread the gratitude in food items particularly beyond the aesthetics of the food item.”

Photos: KrauterGut Dworschak-Fleischmann

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Tanja Dworschak

Bioland KrauterGut Dworschak-Fleischmann

Moosfeldweg 8

90427 Nurnberg / Kraftshof

Tel. : 0911 / 93 64 76 -1

Fax: 0911 / 93 64 76 -0

Email: info@kraeutergut.de

Website: https://kraeutergut.de