Renewing suspension of import duty Anti-dumping duty, safeguards and import duties regarding Ukrainian exports for the EU

The International Trade Committee recently gave approval for a second 1-year suspension on EU tariffs on imports of Ukrainian exports, to boost Ukraine’s economic growth.

The members from the International Trade Committee approved a request to renew the ban on import duty or anti-dumping duty, as well as security measures for Ukrainian exports into Europe and the European Union for another year with the backdrop the Russian war of aggression which has hampered the ability of Ukraine to trade with the the world.

The suspension of tariffs is applicable to all fruits and vegetables that are that are subject to the entry-price system, and also agriculture-related products as well as processed agricultural goods subject to tariff rate contingents. Industrial products will be subject to no duties from January 1, 2023 in the framework of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. They are excluded from the proposed proposals.

MEPs ratified the draft report, which was prepared by the standing rapporteur of Ukraine Sandra Kalniete (EPP, LV) with a majority of 27 votes with one against and seven abstentions.

“I highly support the renewal of trade liberalization policies that are currently in place to in ensuring Ukrainian sustainability and security of trade amid the brutal conflict triggered by Russia. These measures are essential to bolstering Ukraine’s resilience both today and keeping in mind the future when we attempt towards advancing Ukraine’s gradual entry to an EU the internal market. Our relationship with Ukraine is constant, clear and rock-solid. This can be further strengthened with the country’s EU Candidate status. Ukraine’s future lies within Europe. European Union,” said Sandra Kalniete.

The relations between EU as well as Ukraine are managed by an Association Agreement. It is a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area that is part of the agreement, has allowed an advantaged access to Ukraine’s EU markets for Ukrainian companies since the year 2016.

As per the Commission The Commission states that according to the Commission, EU is Ukraine’s biggest trading partner and accounts for 39.5 percent of Ukraine’s trade through 2021. Ukraine is the fifteenth-largest trading partner with approximately 1.2 percent of total EU trade.

The next steps

The proposed report is scheduled to be put up for vote by the majority of MEPs on May 8-11 during plenary session. The Council of the EU also is required to endorse the plan. After approval by the Parliament as well as Council the decision will be announced on the Official Journal of the EU and will be implemented the next date following the publication.

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Armin Wisdorff

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