Avocado charged after date

One woman was vilified by her friend in London via social media after demanding that she pay to get an avocado at the meal. The woman shared the story as well as the message on TikTok. In the course of their evening out, they decided to share the cost and each one of them would pay the other half. But, on the following day she was sent an WhatsApp text message sent by her friend, requesting her to pay PS7 for the avocado she had eaten with her food. He also suggested that she pay him in advance for the date next time. Her message was shared with 44,000 followers on TikTok and provoked a variety of reactions from users who were also on the site. Some found her proposal outrageous and unsuitable. Many suggested that she block the guy, and others added that this incident sparked wider discussion of the manner regarding paying for a date.

The Source My London

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies