India’s exports of fruit and vegetables increase by 47.3 percent thanks to APEDA help as well as market growth

The exports of India’s fruits and vegetables rose by 47.3 percent in the period 2023-24 to 2019-20, as reported by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. The increase is attributed to financial support from the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) which is part of the Department of Commerce.

The ministry also noted “APEDA’s aid schemes for financial support help boost 47.3 percent increase in the nation’s fruit and vegetable exports.” APEDA assists exporters through its Agriculture and Processed Foods Export Promotion Scheme which provides assistance for facilities that export including packhouses, precooling equipment, cold storage as well as treatment units. These facilities ensure that they comply with international high-quality standards.

The support extends to improving quality of the product through lab equipment, quality control equipment, and tracking devices for data. The testing of soil, water as well as pesticide residues are in accordance to the stringent importer demands.

APEDA helps exporters even more by encouraging participation at international trade fairs and exhibitions, as well as arranging buyer-seller meetings, and enhancing the quality of packaging, thereby increasing the competitiveness of global markets. Between 2023 and 2023, Indian fruits and vegetables were exported to 123 countries. They also entered 17 markets in three years. This includes Brazil, Georgia, and Ghana.

The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW) and APEDA have identified key commodities and countries that are targeted for trade negotiations that will increase access to markets. The efforts are in progress to create sea transportation protocols that will reduce the cost of logistics and improve export volumes. The ministry said “Development of Sea protocols for products of the horticulture industry to cut down on the cost of logistics as well as to allow greater export volumes.”

In-depth discussions with countries that import assisted through Indian diplomatic representations concentrate on registration of facilities as well as conformity with phytosanitary laws to ensure safety and quality requirements. APEDA’s programs continue to improve the exports of India’s agriculture.

Source: ANI