“A 2024 dedicated to advancement, never to stand in a rut”

Innovatively bringing solutions to the market while not forgetting the 100-year background (1924 between 1924 and 2024) while always looking ahead. “We at UNITEC do not believe that we be at the point of achieving a target: each step is an event that we begin again in order to achieve the next goal,” explains Angelo Benedetti the CEO and President of the company that was established in 1993 following the amalgamation between Tomorrow New Technology (TNT) and Dalle Vacche di Massa Lombarda which was founded in 1924.

Angelo Benedetti at a recent event

“Today we have around 120 employees working in that Research & Development sector, located in a special location which has been recently set up across from the Lugo (Ravenna) Headquarters. It is due to the fact that our customers constantly have new requirements as well as new objectives, and we’re available to provide clients with timely and concrete solutions. It is only through the process of investigation and ingenuity can appropriate solutions be identified.”

2023 is a positive year in a positive way for Unitec. The company has surpassed 200 million euros in revenue, an increase that is higher than estimates; 800 employees including 600 situated in Italy as well as 200 from all over the world. “But it doesn’t necessarily mean Benedetti says – it was a smooth year. We’ve seen peaks of demand, followed by times of quiet. It requires an ability to change in our company and the leadership of staff, which is becoming more and more difficult to come by at the same time in our field as well as in the area.”

The Research & Development location established adjacent to Lugo headquarters. Lugo Headquarters (Ravenna)

Lack of skilled labour has led Unitec to develop and present more precise and extensive ways of classifying fruit. “Consider the blueberry. It has become a plant which can be controlled automatically from the harvesting stage to packing with the aim that our classification systems are pursuing is to deliver top quality organic fruits to customers regularly over the course of time with particular consideration to their shelf lives as well as logistics requirements. Benedetti. “The hemorrhage that occurs in eating fruit is due to decades of poor options, and products that are of bad taste that diminished trust among consumers. We now have to rebuild the trust of consumers, and we need create products that are brought on the market that will keep and retain the trust of consumers by virtue of their superior quality in line with their promises.”

The Unitec mission for 2024 will remain the same: be able to satisfy and delight their customers from all over the world. “Each year differs from the previous. The weather can cause adverse events to make a difference, while the energy of an area that is productive diminishes against an additional. In 2024, we will certainly aim to build our strength within Europe and in particular, Spain, France, and Italy prior to all others. From watermelons to blueberries – currently, we have fifty varieties of fruit of fruit. There’s no type that Unitec can’t categorize and from this standpoint I am able to say that we are able to provide important information in the field of technology that are connected to processing apples. There is no time to stand still and one should always be evolving and grow, even in the segments in which a competitive edge has been reached.”

Lugo, the Unitec headquarters are in Lugo

Then Benedetti adds: “In various parts of the world, there exist GDO chains asking producers to categorize their fruits, like cherries, by using Unitec solutions. This feature can be a distinguishing factor due to the superior quality of our solutions has been recognized. Yet, I’ll repeat: we aren’t completely accomplished: robots have the possibility of improvement as it does for each variety of fruit. We are investing hugely in research to be always one step in the right direction.”

“Choosing Unitec technologies represents, to our clients an investment which leads to lower costs of production, while ensuring the high quality and consistency of their fruit which comes from the factories, with more effectiveness in processing,” Benedetti specifies.

2024 is therefore an crucial year for Unitec 2024 will therefore be a significant year for Unitec: it will host numerous events that will mark the centenary anniversary of Unitec’s history as well as the launching of significant news as well as the development of its Research & Development sector will be maintained.

“We have a worldwide business”, says the president – that is able to meet many different requests and requirements. When faced with the needs of a client We never let them down. We’ve been in business for 100 years and our company has faced challenges and will continue to do this for the coming 100 years because of the innovation.”

For further information

Unitec Group

via Prov.le Cotignola, 20/9

48022 Lugo (RA) Italy

+39 0545 288884



Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies