400 tonnes of Afghan grapes are brought to Pakistan each day.

In the Afghan Province of Kandahar towards neighboring Pakistan as high as 400 tonnes of grapes can be exported daily. The grapes are transported by refrigerated trucks across”Spin Boldak,” the “Spin Boldak” crossing.

Afghan exporters want expedited clearance of their merchandise through the customs control point in order to avoid spoilage of grapes. The local farmers are confident that their grapes are excellent quality.

Local officials say that about 20 refrigerated vehicles have grapes loaded on them which are then shipped to Pakistan daily. But, some traders from Kandahar protest that the vehicles carrying the grapes are not being checked even though there was an agreement previously in place, and the inspection process can take an incredibly long time.

In 2011, 250,000 tons of fruit were shipped from Kandahar. Afghan officials are of the opinion that the volume of exports this year is expected to increase because of the more abundant fruit harvest.

source: eadaily.com

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies